Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tihanna Loves Orcs - Part.3

Tihanna Loves Orcs - Part.3 is finally available on Affect3D store ...

Completely FREE ^_^


  1. AHHH...Tihanna is back and she not deceive me.In this part she is beautifull and take good pose and and have very beautifull face expression.she is very hot.The scene is intense.This is the Tihanna i like to see, slutty,submissive,horny,etc...
    That's a great set.Thanks

  2. Unrelated, since I haven't had a chance to check the new set yet, but nice to see you're working with Jenny Poussin again by the looks of things. Are you planning on doing a new set with her? Or just a few pictures?

    1. I'm currently working on a new set ( just a small one ... but new ^_^).

  3. What a great ending to a sexy series. Now to imagine her with brown hair and live vicariously through Tihanna

  4. You really like your fans Z, you do well made stuff, really hugh quality and you give it for free, not like some other 3D artists, who want money for some poorly rendered generic images. I can't wait to see more of your characters, like Helena or maybe Yoko, but pls, no moar Jenny "Plastic doll" Poussin, my personal opinion of her aside, I think, there was enough sets with her (like a lot) and not as many sets with other gurls.

    1. Don't worry ... I'm not a "monothematic" artist, you will see Jenny in action ... as much as my other girls ;)

    Please now put your hottest most beautiful and sexiest girl Alice into a situation like this! She is far and beyond your most gorgeous girl and she deserves her own spotlight in the middle of a horde of huge angry horny creatures! Love her pure innocent heart too because it just makes it so sexy to see her dominated with a huge cock.
    I'll buy ten sets if you make a new Alice set vs huge horny creatures! THANK YOU!

    1. Choose a creature from my existing ones ... maybe I'll do an image for you soon ;)

  6. Looks fantastic...thank you.

    Why you don't charge something for yourself though is beyond me.

    You should, IMO.

    1. I wanna keep this 3DX activity as an hobby as long as I can ;)

  7. Absolutely great Zzomp! I love the whole series, and you put it up for free! You're the best!

  8. WOW! I didn't think you would respond! I would pick that new super huge creature you made from this set with the biggest cock! Or even better I would choose his bigger brother that is black but has a huge throbbing red cock that has a knot at the base like a dog!!!

    I would buy ten sets of that if you would unleash that beast on Alice! God that would be the greatest picture set of all time hands down!

    1. Choose an existing one please ;)
      ...maybe the big black orc from this set?

    2. Yes the black orc from this set please!
      Please make a set of Alice and that huge black orc!!!! I will buy it !! It will be your best!

    3. Just one pic for FREE (as usual) ... choose a position, I'll do the rest ;)
