Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Introducing Yoko ...

New Blog ... new Zz Girl :

Started working on this model a while ago ...
Here is Yoko from Gurren Lagann Saga.
My roster needed a redhead and
I think I found a wonderful one.

Side view ... just to show her perfect curves ;)

Hope you like this " do you like my boobies? " pose,
because I'm sure she's really proud of them ^_^

Ready to give her some "romantic" love ?

...I hope she's ready for a really big " surprise " ^_^

... too big for her ?

I'm not sure she can handle this monster cock ...

Probably the biggest cumshot she has ever seen ...
... and this is only the first spurt ^_^

... one more spurt ? ^_^

"That's all folks" ... I hope you liked this first set featuring YOKO ^_^


  1. Well, she's dressed kinda silly but I think that in spite of that she looks like she's fun.
    Welcome aboard, Yoko!
    Limber up, it's going to be a rough ride!

    1. I mean that of her general Gurren Lagann design, not your rendering of it Mr. Zz. =p

  2. She's a two thumbs up in looks, Z. Now lets see how she is in action.

  3. HMMMMM!It seems she likes big guns.

  4. You know, she is 14, don't you? :D But it seems like her older version xD

    1. The anime started in 2007 ... soooo ... I think she's 19/20 years old now right? ;)

    2. She was 14 according to the creators, till people started going "ick" and complaining, at which point they asserted the planet in question rotates around the sun slower than Earth so she's older in Earth years and only 14 in Lagann years. Which makes as much sense as any anime explanation for odd ages, more sense than many (I'm looking at you Kubo Tite) and nearly as much sense as just ignoring it as the silliness it is and enjoying the show. Or "show" in Yoko's case.

  5. I found the head a little strange... or weird? Other than it's okay. Good work as always

  6. So, any chance we'll see her in any of her other outfits out of interest? The star-tits, teacher and air-hostess (it's in a music video) outfit were always much hotter than her default one I think. Even the tux she wears to the wedding in the finale looks sexier. Might be just me though. Regardless, looking forward to seeing where you go with her, and what kind of naughty fun she'll have with all those beast-men.

    1. I love the original outfit, maybe I'll try the others too ... but dunno when ;)

  7. Di solito trovo sempre un qualche piccolo difetto nei tuoi nuovi modelli (mio gusto, non tuoi errori), ma stavolta è davvero perfetta in tutto e per tutto! ^_^

  8. Oh hell yesh!! Fun anime. Can't wait to see what you have in stored with her. And dude, your work keeps getting better and better. The color detail in the face is amazing. Your OC's are great, but there's an idea; branch out with the animes a little. Keep at it, mate. =)

  9. Nice.
    I'v been working on a set with Yoko for a while myself. :)

    1. Just saw your Yoko, where did u find the boots and the hair skull?
      They look great ;)

    2. :) the art I do is mostly writing, but I've always wanted to use 3D renders as inspiration and entertainment to go alongside what I write. Where do you get the kind of render software you use?

    3. Would it be possible for 3D artists like yerselves to do a collaborative work out of interest? Seeing both your versions of Yoko, or several "alternate dimension" Jenny's in a pic or two (or twenty) would be pretty cool.

    4. @ Sarah : I'm currently using PoserPro 2012 ;)

    5. Zz the boots are from Chocolate bundle for Natu
      and hairclip was riped from some japanese game.
      Now you tell me where did you get her riflle from pleas :)

  10. I'm assuming she'll be with some Beastmen? ;)

    Hehehe... anyways good stuff!

    1. Yessss ... beastmen ... but not so quickly.
      She's new in my roster, she needs some " romantic " love before the action ^_^

  11. In last picture (that with standing Yoko holding her boobs) are her boobs looking like fake, for example like Jenny's...btw, I don't mind that miss Jenny Pousin has plastics, she looks good anyway...but for Yoko it looks kinda strange. I know it myself, it isn't easy to make boobs (on 3d models in PoserPro) to look like for example Maria's (my favourite ZZ model), but I would try to make them look like hers...well, ok, maybe a bit smaller, cuz Maria has really BIG TITS :D

    1. It doesn't look kinda strange - it looks great. In fact, they look wonderful. There is only so large of a breast that you can fit on so small of a frame before they will look matter how you render them (imo).
      But that is the whole point to adult 3D animations/rendering anyway. To bring images to life that cannot exist in the real world (or at least - only VERY rarely).
      And at that, artists like Zzomp succeed spectacularly.

    2. You didn't get, what I meant. I don't even know, how did you figure this out...I don't complain. It's his model, so I don't give a shit, if he does it the way he does. I like his models, I like his picture sets and even more I love his comics. Zzomp is my favourite 3dx artist, I go to his blog like every day. That was just my thoughts about her breast. I know, that lots of artists hate criticism on any level, so it could angry them sometimes. I am not some kind of pussy-ass hater, that complains about anything. And as I said: I know, it is hard to make boobs look reallistic, like ZZomp did it in Maria's case. I was doing some rendering in PoserPro some time ago and I abbandoned it, cuz it wasn't satisfying. Maybe it is because the upper part of Yoko's boobs doesn't look (for me) as smooth as it is on ZZomp's other models.

    3. You have the right to criticize him. And I have the right to criticize you for it. You don't like it...tough. This guy does all this for nothing. No one should be complaining. You wanna give him money - then complain. Same goes for everyone else who complains.

    4. Bit hard when Zzomp doesn't do commissions and won't take money. Not to mention that the argument is fallacious anyway, just because you're not invested in something (financially or otherwise) doesn't mean you can't criticize or complain about it. All he did was point out that he preferred the look of Maria's tits to Yokos, presumably because Maria's have a more natural inward curve to the upper slopes and teardrop shape than Yoko's spherical funbags - in rather broken English no less, really no cause for the somewhat hostile response you gave the guy.

      Personally I've no problem with them, but I can see how a body could prefer a more natural look, even in rather un-naturally big tits like Yokos.

      As for the greediness you complain about below, it's a function of the human brain to become accustomed to things. If someone does a great kindness for free regularly it's becomes expected, even anticipated by those they're treating. And anticipation breeds all kinds of emotional responses. Not to say that sometimes people don't step over the line, but simply asking for more when someone has provided so much isn't being greedy, it's just familiarity. You don't thank your friends every time they do something nice for you, even though you should. Same thing. And if one of your friends promised something and failed to deliver, you'll be patient and understanding of course, but you'll stand want them to follow through on that promise at the end of the day. Hence why people get antsy when stuff takes longer than expected or Zzomp goes to ground for a while. It's even easier to act pissy in an unrestrained environment like the internet. I doubt anyone is nearly as dickish or annoyed in real life as their comments make them appear.

      In the vein of the above I'd like to suggest a shot of Yoko running her bare cunt along the barrel of the gun, leaving some juice behind. Maybe fellate the muzzle while she's at it (though I imagine the muzzle is way too wide to swallow). I know the image of her pressing her tits around it is somewhat similar, so maybe kind of pointless, but Zen always seemed happy to follow through on my suggestions in his set of Ashley at the bus-stop, so I'll chance my arm here too.

      Looking forward to finding out what your definition of "romantic" is.

    5. Jeez...whatever pal, (whatever you said - I skipped over most of it).

      I will say it again, unless you are paying this guy money, you should not complain about what he matter how small (and the other guy's complaint was fairly small).

      You can, sure...that is a 'well duh'.

      But, imo, you shouldn't.

      Just be grateful zzomp spends hours and hours creating such gorgeous images for nothing. And other then giving him a request or a compliment - unless he specifically asks for criticism - then shut up and be grateful.

      You disagree?

      Take a wild guess how much I care?

      Now if you are done with your novella's, back to the renders.

    6. Walls of text about me?!?
      Are we serious?
      Naaaah ...

      Calm down a bit and enjoy some naked girls renders, life is too short to discuss about breast shape so long ;)

    7. It wasn't about you, not really. It was about trying to help get across a point regarding art and criticism to someone and helping defend a poster whose English skills were pretty broken.

      Also, the wall of text is because I'm a verbose person. I just like to chat, even if the other party isn't paying full attention.

  12. Additionally - it amazes me how much many of you people complain about renders from people like Zzomp and longyy, et al.
    These guys are doing it for nothing - and still you want more.
    Greedy or what?

  13. Glad to see you've made a new blog for your great artwork Zzomp, just a shame the other one isn't around :( I do hope to see a re-upload/re-publish of you great artwork on this blog for people to view again :D Keep up the great work and can't wait to see what you'll do with this character of yours :D

  14. As I told someone on deviantArt ... I'm on the " fake lookin' boobs " side at the moment.
    That's why my personal 3D version of Yoko looks like a doll with perfect round tits ^_^

    I'm sure you will love her anyway ;)

    1. Personally, I like breasts that look possible but unlikely in reality. Yours just look too perfect to be real - especially on such small-framed women (imo). That is EXACTLY what I am looking for. If I want realistic looking there are a billion sites for that with real people.

  15. Romance is good.
    Romance followed by the introduction of a uterus-smashing phallus is better.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Suggestions are always welcome, but don't add links please.
      My last blog was deleted because of SPAM...
      So if you have to show me reference pics, send me a note on my deviantArt profile ;)

    2. Noted, and I deleted the post as well just in case.

  17. Great set Zzomp! Looking forward to more. Glad your back.

  18. Holy crap Zzomp this one is excellent, really awesome!

  19. eXXactly the kind of SURPRISE I LOVE!!! giggle ♥♥♥
    YOKO is HOT HOT HOT D Zz!!! ♥♥♥

    1. Glad u like her Jenny...
      I could set a private date with her if you wanna play with Yoko ;)

  20. "I'm long, and I'm strong, and I'm DOWN TO GET THE FRICTION ON!"

  21. too big for her?
    faith can move mountains!

    1. I would have said "force can (re)move tonsils" instead, but I'm sure it can move her mountains and valleys too.

  22. Sono realmente curioso di sapere come hai fatto a realizzare il buchetto del culo.
    Ad occhio mi sembre una tonnellata di lavoro di postwork :)

    1. Eh sì ... quasi una mezz'oretta più o meno.
      Questa parte la faccio sempre con PhotoShop, nessun modello 3D mi soddisfa al momento ;)

  23. Hi, could you give me an email contact, I'D like to arrange a commission set work of about 10-15 pics... thanks.

    1. I'm not taking commissions at the moment, sorry.

  24. Finally the action has started... Will you put another man in that scene? After the last Maria's series posted on your previous blog, it's hard not to think about gangbangs... I don't know the anime where Yoko comes from, but I love redheads, and she is a hot one!

    1. As I told before ... this is only an introducing set, she's not ready for gangbangs yet ^_^

    2. Yoko is perhaps not ready for a gangbang but a lot of your girls(Tihanna first)have enough experience to try it.^_^

    3. Ok, I'm really going too fast... I'll wait for the right moment :)

  25. 11 pictures with her lover on screen and still no penetration? You're really teasing this one out, should make it all the sweeter when he finally gets to shove it in there though.

  26. Great work as always !
    Gotta watch that anime...

    1. Not the best anime I've seen, but nice.
      ...and she's hot as hell ^_^

  27. Cutie ,she's a real cutie :) Great job!

  28. If it don't work in the mouth try in an other way ^_^

  29. great work, as always but can I just say, make her suck it, then force it down her throat with a massive load shot straight into her stomach, lets not forget bulging throat and a bulge stomach when he cums inside her pussy, hmmmm....... make it her first time also ^^ hehehe

    1. well just so she's broken in before monsters make a mess of her

  30. One more? I'm hoping for at least one or two more good spurts so not just her face, but even her hair is as sticky as her tits currently are. Love seeing cum in hair for some reason.

    Can we expect any actual penetration out of interest? Or is Yoko going to have to build up to that in her next set?

    1. No actual penetration in this first set ... maybe in the next one ;)

  31. At least say she deepthroats the monster and gets a throat full of cum

  32. So if this is the end of the Yoko set (sadly), then are you ready to drop any hints as to what's next yet? Looking at your picture of Jenny and Tihanna I thought it'd be cool to have a fantasy themed set where Jenny's master brings her in to a tavern and meets Tihanna and her master, the two males making them compete for the crowd's favor by showing off their skills at various sexual activities - making them dance and strip, which ends in them playing with each other, making them give them head to them as a show of submission, and then ending with each of them getting fucked over a table - maybe each of the masters allowing one or two members of the crowd to join in in an effort to show how slutty/willing their girl is.

    Also, Jenny as a priestess or mage to Tihanna's warrior, although there's probably some D'n'D class out there that emphasizes dancing and sexuality and is more appropriate - I'm not that familiar with it though. Mostly I just want to see more of the two of them together though - that one picture is damn hot, especially with them both chained up.

  33. I'm still hopeful for another Bethel set sometime. I love her eyes so much.

  34. i really love love to se more and more mariah and yoko and nico robin get some monster cock and i dont mind to buy your art
